RJGFC Journal - Editorial process (peer review)

Sending the manuscript

Papers are sent by e-mail, in Word file, to:
The responsibility for the content and originality of the papers, as well as for the ethics of conducting the research rests exclusively with the authors.

Editing rules

Instructions for writing journal articles

The review process

1. The evaluation of the manuscript is performed in the preliminary stage by two specialized scientific reviewers.

2. After the review process (which may last 1-2 months) the authors will receive a note with possible comments.

3. The authors are bound to proceed to the eventual modifications of the content of the paper, according to the requirements of the scientific reviewers.

4. In the final stage, the paper is submitted to the Editorial Board which decides on the acceptance for publication.

5. The result of the review process shall be communicated to the corresponding author.

6. In order to eliminate delays in the review and publication processes, please notify of any changes to your email address.

7. The magazine appears twice a year, in June and December.
The works are received all the time, but the publication will be done only after they have gone through the review process.

8. No fee is charged for the publication of works.

How can the manuscript be sent?

RJGFC Journal

Papers are sent by e-mail, in Word file, to
The responsibility for the content and originality of the papers, as well as for the ethics of conducting the research rests exclusively with the authors.

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3-5, Calea Manastur Street, Room 46
Zip code: 400372
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