Purpose and objectives


The aims of the Romanian Grassland Society:

  • the development of good practice in the organization, development and support of activities for the knowledge, improvement and sustainable management of the Romanian pastoral fund;
  • the creation of new cultivars with superior biological and qualitative performances;
  • the improvement of cultivation and conservation technologies for fodder plants;
  • the creation of knowledge at European standards, its qualified dissemination to those who produce, use or monitor feed resources in conditions of superior economic and ecological efficiency.


The objectives of the Romanian Grassland Society are:

  • facilitate the exchange of experience and cooperation between people with similar concerns, members of the Society and other partners, from the country and abroad
  • affiliate with other national and international specialized organizations
  • represent the interests of the Society at governmental level and before international bodies, formulate proposals for legislative regulation on the cultivation of grasslands and fodder plants
  • support the development of research activities at the level of excellence in the field of grasslands and fodder crops
  • stimulate the publication of scientific articles in national and international journals from the main flow of publications
  • acquire knowledge on and disseminate prato-technical concerns at European and global level
  • acquire knowledge on and disseminate grassland management measures in accordance with Agro-Environmental measures regarding the preservation of biodiversity and of the traditional landscape
  • promote the multifunctional character of the grasslands in Romania
  • support grasslands growers to obtain efficient production by applying technologies specific to the cultivating areas
  • obtain fodder crops with high fodder value and establish the system of organizing and multiplication of seeds in fodder plants
  • stimulate the production of organic fodder while promoting the principles of sustainable agriculture
  • ensure the quality control of the fodder crops
  • support the members of the Society in capitalizing the experience in the field of grasslands and fodder plants
  • organize a database and an information system that could ensure the permanent exchange of information, opinions, suggestions, through domestic and international meetings, conferences, consultations, lectures, technical demonstrations to ensure permanent contact with the field of practice and forage cultures
  • promote the creation of internal publications in the field of grasslands and fodder crops

How can the manuscript be sent?

RJGFC Journal

Papers are sent by e-mail, in Word file, to
The responsibility for the content and originality of the papers, as well as for the ethics of conducting the research rests exclusively with the authors.

Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County, Romania
3-5, Calea Manastur Street, Room 46
Zip code: 400372
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