RJGFC Journal - Focus and Scope

Focus and Scope

Romanian Journal of Grasslands and Forage Crops is the official English language journal of The Romanian Society for Grassland. It is a peer-reviewed annual journal aimed at disseminating significant research and original papers, critical reviews and short contributions in all aspects of grassland science, with an aim of presenting and sharing knowledge, ideas and philosophies on better management and use of grasslands, forage crops and turf pants for both agricultural and non-agricultural purposes across the word.

The journal encourages authors to frame their research questions and discuss their results in terms of the major questions of all aspects of grasslands, thereby maximizing the impact, spreading and value of their research. The papers must be of potential interest to a significant number of scientists and, if specific to a local situation, must be relevant to a wide body of knowledge in aspects of grasslands. Articles should make a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge or toward a better understanding of existing grassland concepts.

An international Editorial Board advises the journal. The total content of the journal may be used for educational, non-profit purposes without regard to copyright. The distribution of the material is encouraged with the condition that the authors and the source (The Romanian Society for Grassland or SRP) are mentioned.

Contributions of all members as well as non-members, are welcome in any of the following fields:

  • grassland environment, landscape, ecology and management;
  • pasture and lawn establishment, management and cultivation;
  • grassland utilization, animal husbandry, behavior, nutrition and production;
  • forage conservation, processing, storage, utilization and nutritive value;
  • plants physiology, morphology, pathology and entomology;
  • breeding and genetics;
  • physicochemical properties of soil, soil micro biota and plant nutrition;
  • economics in grassland systems.

How can the manuscript be sent?

RJGFC Journal

Papers are sent by e-mail, in Word file, to
The responsibility for the content and originality of the papers, as well as for the ethics of conducting the research rests exclusively with the authors.

Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County, Romania
3-5, Calea Manastur Street, Room 46
Zip code: 400372
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